Hydrogeological Legacy: A Celebration & Continuation of the Work of Dick Downing (1928-2013)

Venue: The Geological Society, Burlington House, London

Date: 12th November 2014

Time: 12:45 for 13:15

Richard Allen (‘Dick’) Downing, who died in 2013, was a geological polymath whose early work and interests ranged from field mapping for the Geological Survey to studying gemstones.  For most of his career he worked as a hydrogeologist, making contributions on almost every aspect of the science, including regional studies, baseflow analysis, river augmentation schemes, studies of specific aquifers, isotope hydrogeology, deep groundwater chemistry, and development of national water plans in England and Wales and in Saudi Arabia.  In 1979 he returned to BGS as Manager of its UK Geothermal Programme.  He formally retired in 1988 but continued working for many more years, consulting, advising, writing and editing books and journals and examining MSc and PhD students.

Dick was awarded a DSc in Geology by Durham University in 1977, received the Whitaker Medal from the Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists in 1980, was chosen to give the first Ineson Lecture and in 1989 received the Society’s William Smith Medal – its highest award for applied geology.


In this meeting five eminent hydrogeologists will briefly assess Dick’s contribution to a major hydrogeological topic and describe the progress that has been made in the years since his work.



  • 12.45 Registration
  • 13.15 Welcome and introduction
  • 13.30 Groundwater in the national water strategy – Ian Barker (Managing Director, Water Policy International Ltd)
  • 14.05 Artificial recharge – Mike Jones (Thames Water Utilities)
  • 14.40 Discussion followed by coffee
  • 15.20 Deep hydrogeochemistry – Adrian Bath (Intellisci)
  • 15.55 Isotopes in hydrogeology – George Darling (BGS)
  • 16.30 Chalk hydrogeology – Adrian Butler (Imperial College London)
  • 17.05 Discussion followed by wine reception


With five experts speaking on five topical subjects, and with plenty of time for discussion, this should be an inspiring meeting and a worthy tribute to Dick Downing.


  • Please register online using the link to the right, or download the PDF Registration Form and return to:

    Georgina Worrall
    Burlington House
    London W1J 0BG

  • The wine reception is included in the price.